Ok ladies, I've been wanting to try the Dominican blowout on my hair. I found a Dominican hair salon in Houston and decided to give it a try. It was an experience. Although my hair is straight, I think I will stick with Visible Changes. They did a great job with the hot oil and deep conditioning treatment, but it all took 4 hours. I've never had my hair straightened without a flat iron or marcels, so this was different. They roller set my hair and blew it out until it was on fire. It feels great though ;). Here is the finished look:

I also took a trip to Sephora with my 15% off coupon and got a few Nars lip glosses. I am wearing Hotwired lip lacquer. I just loved that fuchsia color. I wore it alone for a transparent look. You can also wear it over lip color for a sexy shine.
Eyes: Mac Vex, Nixie Burlesque, Bobbi Brown gel liner (my new fav!!!)
Well I truly like the results it looks very nice, soft and it seems to have a nice shine